It’s been a long road since 2012 and in a very short time we have all witnessed and lived through things we never thought possible. The world is changing and we the people are creating what will be ‘the new normal'.

Those that have been on a journey of remembrance/awakening knew these times were coming and I feel it’s safe to say, we never quite imagined it would play out the way it has.

All the knowledge acquired is useless if we cannot recognise the opportunities life presents us with to apply this knowledge, how else does information become wisdom.

Our connection to source and our spirit is now much more than an abstract ideology that soothes us during rocky moments, it is now required as armour that we must wear as we unwaveringly align with the highest timeline available for the highest good of all life on this planet.

I have gotten into the habit, each morning when I awake to the gift of another day to take a moment to breathe into my connection to all that is, to be grateful for another sunrise and to clear my slate of all I think I know in order to make room for the new….

“I know nothing, show me…”

Now is the time to embody our truth.

Now is the time to be living, breathing walking, talking examples of unconditional love in everything we think, feel, say and do.

A new day has indeed dawned.

As one embarks on the path of spiritual awakening no two experiences are the same.

It’s not an easy transition from what you’ve always believed to be true to a higher truth and then being this higher truth in every way.

As a practitioner and facilitator of workshops on all things spiritual, I have observed that many struggle to embed newfound knowledge and recognise the opportunities life offers us, to apply this knowledge and solidify it as wisdom that one wears as a permanent state. Often after a healing session or a workshop, inspiration to stay in a state of unconditional love is relatively easy but then life happens and disturbs this state in those that don’t have a daily spiritual practice.  

BLA is a spiritual practice that you can wear and use, to keep yourself accountable…

It’s an acronym charged with a very powerful directive that connects one to their eternal essence and wisdom. A mnemonic that is charged with clear intent to assist you in staying aligned, mind, body and soul…

BLA: “Be Love Always”

B  L  A  was born from a desire to make available items that people could have close to them as a reminder of this principle on a daily basis.

I’ve used this term for many years and it started with the question, what would love do?

If more people had this question as their default position of awareness before speaking, acting and thinking, we would change the world in an instant.

B  L  A  is for those ready to embody this truth, ready to be accountable for the choices they make in day to day life.

It encourages the wearer to walk the talk, to be love in action…

When something has such a strong energetic imprint it cannot be ignored.

When I was a little girl and needed to remember something at school, an item of clothing I left behind the day before, a library book that I needed to return, or a note that needed to be handed in, my mother would tie a red string around one of my fingers to ensure it wouldn’t slip my mind and it worked every single time.

B  L  A  is my evolved version of the red string on my childhood finger

To not forget what is important

Every moment

Every day



Disclaimer…wearing these items will inevitably plant seeds as a result of people asking you what BLA means and the conversations that will ensue.

Explore the BLA Collection

Basic lifestyle pieces serving as a constant reminder…


Feel Your Way