Onwards & Upwards

Here we are again at the end of what has been a very intense year for many. I for one , have never, ever done so much conscious breathing...lol

I remember many years ago, 15 years to be exact, having a conversation with some extraordinary lightworkers about the intensity of the years, post 2012. Many neophytes that joined the team of awakeners naively thought we would wake up to heaven on earth after Earths alignment with the Galactic centre. Well, if you've been on Earth these last 6 years you'd agree this hasn't been the case.

As the light intensifies, everything that belongs to an old paradigm is exposed and this is a destructive process, whether it's happening on a global scale or a personal...there is a direct link between the micro and the macro.

Having said that, every awakened soul has a huge responsibility to uphold the light even in the darkest times. This is not an easy process, and the words I keep hearing are, "we never said it was going to be easy, but it would be worth it".

Many have asked me, "when is it going to end?", I answer with one eyebrow raised and no words. We are going through the next stage of our becoming and the good news is, we are not alone. The Universe is in a constant state of flux, constantly creating. We need to release our idea of time as we move into presence and a higher vibrational reality. Linear thinking belongs to an old timeline, and now we need to go Quantum. This warrants investigation to many old spiritual belief systems that served a purpose once upon a time but have now become obsolete. It takes fine tuning to discern these outdated belief systems and courage to let them go, especially when we are stepping into new territory.

So much non physical support is available to us and all we need to do is to ask. Now more than ever, staying connected to your spirit, your Higher Self is the key. Taking time out every day to disconnect from this matrix/hologram and tune into your eternal essence without any outside interference is an absolute must in order to move through these energies right now.

None of this is new information, we have known this for some time and in my case, I remember one lightworker who I have the utmost respect for, stating that 2018 was going to be a woozy, she said that in 2009!...even with the heads up on this, nothing can quite prepare you for it.

We are clearing timelines and they are clearing quickly. Now we need to reflect on our whole idea of healing and in some cases our addiction to the idea that we are less than whole.

We are currently surfing multiple realities and one must be very clear and conscious with what they align themselves with. This takes incredible discipline and one simply can't just wing it... the winging it years are well and truly over. The message is clear, be impeccable with your thoughts! The best chance you have of achieving this, is maintaining a clear energetic field while moving through what can feel like sludge.

The good news is 2019 looks to be a year filled with less chaos and the opportunity to bask in a lot more peace and joy. How this pans out depends on the individuals light quotient. One thing you must all know is we are literally different people to who we were at the beginning of the year. The Ascension process is well and truly in progress and believe it or not, we are on track.

I'm aiming to hold regular meet ups in the new year to provide all like minded/hearted souls the opportunity to stay connected, especially if one feels alone in their ascension. These meet ups will include energetic updates, meditations and new information as it becomes available.

I want to take this opportunity to let you all know, I am taking bookings for private one on one sessions to assist with end of year clearing, downloading and activations for the next stage of your becoming over the next couple of weeks and will be unavailable after that until the end of January 2019. So if you need to reconnect with your essence, need an energetic gurney or take it up a notch I look forward to working with you.


May you all end the year that was, clear, empowered and ready for 2019 with a new mindset, expanded

heart vibe and a light that is hard to ignore...

We're all in this together...Let's do this xxx

(Text or email to secure a session.)



Don’t Insult Your Soul


Piscean Pure Intent