Lenita Vangellis Lenita Vangellis


BLA is a spiritual practice that you can wear and use, to keep yourself accountable… It’s an acronym charged with a very powerful directive that connects one to their eternal essence and wisdom.

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Feel Your Way
Lenita Vangellis Lenita Vangellis

Feel Your Way

Discernment is a very personal tool that requires mastery on an individual level. It is directly linked with one's ability to feel the energy of a person, place, object, event and without labelling it as good or bad,

( that's a 3D construct, and we're all quantum now aren't we?) make a decision about whether one wants to align with it, or give it energy.

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Live As Though You’re Dying
Lenita Vangellis Lenita Vangellis

Live As Though You’re Dying

It's really easy to fall into patterns that feel comfortable, that is, until it gets uncomfortable and life starts feeling like Groundhog Day. This is the exact time to begin changing the script...write in a new scene everyday to shake things up. The last couple of weeks that is precisely what I've done and a whole new world has opened up...

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Don’t Insult Your Soul
Lenita Vangellis Lenita Vangellis

Don’t Insult Your Soul

Our inner state is what influences the perception of the world we experience and as such we must do everything in our power to protect its integrity. This week alone, I've reminded quite a few that they experience the world the way they perceive it.

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Onwards & Upwards
Lenita Vangellis Lenita Vangellis

Onwards & Upwards

As the light intensifies, everything that belongs to an old paradigm is exposed and this is a destructive process, whether it's happening on a global scale or a personal...there is a direct link between the micro and the macro.

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Piscean Pure Intent
Lenita Vangellis Lenita Vangellis

Piscean Pure Intent

Pisces was born tired. It's little wonder that the Fish is a trifle spiritually fatigued, considering all he's seen throughout so many incarnations .. . all the power and the glory, the ugly and the beautiful, the horrifyingly unspeakable - and the ecstatically indescribable. It's exhausting.

― Linda Goodman

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Can We Be Less Human And More SOUL?
Lenita Vangellis Lenita Vangellis

Can We Be Less Human And More SOUL?

Light is a funny thing, most don't really think about it until it gets really dark. Sounds logical on the surface but if we're talking spirituality, light needs to be at the forefront of ones mind and heart, as a daily reference point.

In my experience, I've observed that most people reach out for connection to light and their divinity when all else fails and the darkness gets too much for them to handle. They start off very enthusiastic, swearing that they will never go back to an old way of being, that meditation will be a daily practice and they will honour their soul by taking time out each and every day for a few moments of solitude and communication with that eternal aspect of self.

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Look into your eyes, then look into mine…
Lenita Vangellis Lenita Vangellis

Look into your eyes, then look into mine…

We are all so deeply entrenched in and reliant on this digital age that real human connection has sadly become a thing of the past or a precious rarity at best. Difficulty in looking into people’s eyes has gone past being a trait of those diagnosed with various degrees of Autism. Most people go through an entire day never truly connecting with others via these instruments we call eyes. To truly see another, the eyes hold the key to real connection.

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When Being Becomes The Purpose
Lenita Vangellis Lenita Vangellis

When Being Becomes The Purpose

I heard these words a while ago, reverberating in the distance whilst in deep meditation.

I’m one of the fortunate ones that have never struggled with change. I have an innate understanding about the flow of life and in fact was a rebellious instigator of change in my youth. I never enjoyed getting too comfortable; maybe it’s the water element in my Pisces sun. I felt that, like stagnant water inevitably begins to wreak, so does ones spirit when you sit in a place of comfortable familiarity for too long.

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Don't take off your wet-suit, just get out of the water...
Lenita Vangellis Lenita Vangellis

Don't take off your wet-suit, just get out of the water...

Sitting quietly on the beach and watching surfers on a cool Autumn day, (this has become a habit I can't seem to break) I smiled inwardly, as a beautiful analogy of life played out before me in real time. Surfers with different levels of expertise were being thrown around, some rode those waves with ease whilst others could barely stand up on their boards. Experience and knowledge are not necessarily safeguards against turbulent terrain. Even the most expert of riders have encountered situations that tested their acumen.

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Love and Light or Glove and Blight
Lenita Vangellis Lenita Vangellis

Love and Light or Glove and Blight

Love and light, together with the Sanskrit greeting Namaste have become superfluous catch phrases, for many that flippantly throw it out there in an attempt to sound uber spiritual, often following it up with some low frequency comment masked as humour. Let's get this straight, codes don't lie, all words are coded, all thoughts are coded and those that hear, feel and read the codes have gone into hyper sensitivity.

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Balanced Being
Lenita Vangellis Lenita Vangellis

Balanced Being

The human condition always evokes such extreme emotion in me and it has always been that way ever since I can remember. As a Piscean, ugliness towards any life form always leaves me feeling gutted. I feel it instantly in my solar plexus, like a fisherman’s knife on a fish spluttering on the deck of a boat. I now understand it from a bigger picture perspective but the dormant saviour archetype wishes I could take it all away at times. This I know is not necessarily in the highest good and since I invoke the highest good of all, I graciously accept the perfection of all that’s playing out in the world regardless of how it may look.

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Trusting The Process
Lenita Vangellis Lenita Vangellis

Trusting The Process

Dark Night Of The Soul…. to those that don’t know, it sounds like a Hollywood Horror film, a nightmare one experiences, over one scary night. If that were true, boy would it be easy!

This year has been intense on many levels and I have observed a clear cut split between those truly on the path of self-actualisation and those sitting in the playground of self-conceptualisation. It’s all perfect, regardless of whether you are truly being, or just practicing.

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No Words Needed
Lenita Vangellis Lenita Vangellis

No Words Needed

I’ve always maintained that energy doesn’t lie and that one doesn’t have to be psychically awake to feel it. We’ve all experienced situations socially and professionally where we meet people and some draw us in, whilst others repel us. Most of the time this is a feeling we get the moment our electromagnetic fields come into contact, they may not have said anything to justify your feeling but you have picked up on something in their field and based on that, have chosen to pull away or gravitate closer. Most people don’t really pay close attention to this form of communication and brush it off most of the time.

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The Meaning Of Life
Lenita Vangellis Lenita Vangellis

The Meaning Of Life

Nicolae Tanase: Lenita, what is the meaning of life?

Lenita Vangellis: The eternal question that sooner or later, every soul asks.

I asked this question early on in my life as a deeper aspect of what I had come to know as self, couldn’t make sense of the world around me. As I began to remove the layers of untruths and programming I began to experience life with a heightened sense of awareness. I now know/understand that meaning can be found in every moment and every moment offers us an insight to ourselves and our reality when we are still enough to recognise it.

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Atlantis: Fact, Fiction or Delusion?
Lenita Vangellis Lenita Vangellis

Atlantis: Fact, Fiction or Delusion?

I was standing at the highest point of the majestic landscape of Atlantis, the sound Temples stood proudly behind me. My body was tense and the pending destruction I sensed was tearing at my heart and ripping it to shreds...I looked down at him, searching for an answer, yearning for comfort. His gaze penetrated my heart and with the knowing of a wise one he stated “There is no end the blink of an eye we’ll be together and I...One.

© Lenita Vangellis- ASHANTI’S SYMPHONY

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Wish Granted!
Lenita Vangellis Lenita Vangellis

Wish Granted!

A few weeks ago I received a strange request that left me both surprised and elated. I was asked if I could help a team of teenage soccer players that had recently experienced a bad run with games. It was a series of mishaps that included injuries, illness and disappointing calls from referees that they believed to be biased.

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You Were Here All Along
Lenita Vangellis Lenita Vangellis

You Were Here All Along

Be guided...listen to your inner your instinct... how often does one hear these phrases only to be left wondering where this universal voice of wisdom resides? And where was it when I was heading for disaster? Why didn't it show me the STOP sign?

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Lifting The Veils
Lenita Vangellis Lenita Vangellis

Lifting The Veils

I’ve always considered myself a researcher of truth. Way back to my childhood I could never really accept the explanations I was given to life’s big questions and believe me I was full of them. I couldn’t accept the, “it’s just the way it is” mentality. Somewhere deep inside the core of my being so much didn’t resonate with Truth. I instinctively felt there was a whole universe beyond what I could touch, taste, smell, see or hear.

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